Integrating technology involves the use of technology resources (computers, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, digital cameras, social networking platforms, software applications, Internet, etc.) in daily classroom practices and management in the school to improve the learning and teaching environments for students and teachers.

Successful technology integration is achieved when technology use:
  1. Is habitual and transparent
  2. Is accessible and readily available for teachers and students
  3. Supports the educational goals of the institution and helps students to achieve goals effectively
  4. Promotes the development of soft and technical skills in students
  5. Allows students to create products from their acquired learning

When technology integration is optimal, neither the students nor the teachers stop to think that they are using a technological tool; it is something that seems completely natural. Typically, the students are often more actively involved in projects given that technological devices are an integral part of their learning process.  

Proper integration occurs when students use technology not only daily, but also have access to a variety of tools that match the task at hand and give them the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the content.

How we define technology integration may also depend on the types of technology available,  the access one has to technology, and who is using the technology.

Willingness to embrace change is a fundamental requirement for successful technology integration. Technology evolves continuously and rapidly. It is an ongoing process and requires continuous learning. When technology is efficiently integrated into the curriculum, it can enhance learning powerfully.

Michael Parrales


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